Thursday, February 11, 2010

A new challenger approaches!

Not actually a challenger. Gat (a good friend of mine own self) has a blog at which you should look at. So far it's entertaining, and he's only 1 post in! Now that's talent.

Also, ColourFire will in future use the latest IDE version, so the load times will be faster and the runtimes will be slightly less slow but we'll have to work out a bunch of glitches! YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Elizabeth Maxwell=awesome

Or I could be nerdy and say
if (Elizabeth_Maxwell==awesome){
but I'm not go-... oh, too late. Well.

Anyway, here's her blog.
So! In celebration of her coolness, I got her a platinum upgrade for her Something Awful Forums account for x-mas. In return, she offered to draw me anything I wanted! Whoah!
I took a while to figure out what to ask for (sorry :<) but long story short here's the image:
Sweet! Baltarstar Galactica meets Team Fortress 2. :D