Tuesday, October 27, 2009

*Cough* ColourFire Object Fabricator

listening to: Kero ⑨ Destiny - Silver Forest

I almost named the program "Mr. Fab," but no.
(download link is at bottom of this post)

What this allows one to do is to create the look of an object for ColourFire! Or random abstractness. It's good for that, too. What I was doing before was designing stuff on paper, then figuring out the polar coordinates I'd need for each vertex, and then figuring out which vertices needed to have triangles drawn between them... and it was a pain. This program provides a graphical interface so that I don't have to do that. Creating the Sentries' appearance took several minutes the old way. I replicated it in COF and it took less than one minute.

polar grid (why not)
"rectangle from side" tool
"rectangle from corner" tool
"scale on axis" tool

I know, those last 3 appear in the screenshot up there. But while you can select them in the program, they don't work right now. I don't intend to add more tools after them, but it could happen.

CF website can currently be reached at http://colourfire.dnsalias.org/ (redirects to dropbox because Nerium is NOT FAST ENOUGH FOR MY MADNESS)
COF download is at http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1467119/COF.exe

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Less temporary website

is a redirect to

So there.

Temporary Websyte for ColourFire

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1467119/website/ColourFire.html !

I know that's not a very friendly link, but the Nerium guy is being busy so until I can get him to host it, that's what I have to work with. GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO