Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Global score tracking for ColourFire is a go

Listening to: Oxygene 8 - Jean-Michel Jarre

Some hours ago I had the idea that it would not be obscenely complicated to get some simple server correspondence going with ColourFire. The program just has to write to a file on a server. This turned out to involve PHP and a DLL and some nonsense but if you'll download the latest version of CF then you can see for yourself that it works (the file that it writes to is at http://nerium.org/other-stuff/CFLog.txt)!

Things to work on:
-It only submits scores when you get a personal high score; I'll do... something... about that.
-If it tries to connect and you have no internet connection... I don't know what happens. It probably crashes. I'm sure it's something bad anyway.
-I want a weekly scoreboard too. I'll use a separate PHP file and a separate .txt file.
-the thing that detects if you cheated might be a little wonky. We'll see.
-there's a small matter of security localized to the .txt file (seriously, the worst thing that could happen isn't really consequential, but I want to eliminate it anyway because it would be a nuisance.)

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