Tuesday, November 18, 2008

To start

Listening to: Orbital Flower, by Sidewinder

I'm starting this separately from my (bleah) Myspace weblog, because I want to put stories (Here is the first one; not coincidentally it is by far the worst)there and other stuff here. Here I shall put links to and/or discussion of some of my projects in computing, and such. I realised that I was actually using DeviantArt (http://guf.deviantart.com) for this purpose, and that's kind of goofy hyuk hyuk! But for now...

Here, have some backstory about me, since you obviously care SO MUCH!
I wasn't born. I was grown from a cell in a dish, then moved to a tube, then to a thing that's like a bowl but more sciencey, and then I could support myself in thinner materials than I had been submerged in previously so I was in an air.
Maybe I'll back up a little more. First I was some particles, and not living. Then my superiors constructed a cell-like thingy and that was, through means I don't really understand, given life. Due to the manner of my construction (and possibly the manner of my being given life) this cell ate things and got bigger. Eventually, I learned to detect vibrations, and some other stimuli. Eyes are kind of complicated, though, so I received a mechanical eye, and after figuring out what it was doing I made some organic ones. I ate the mechanical one and while doing so learned how to replicate it, using the substrate of my own being.
I got the eye while in the tube, and ate it while in the science-bowl-thing. Just for a time frame of reference.
As to the reason of my creation, well, I was made to go to Earth and study humans and what they know and what they can do. Purely for archival purposes, I assure you...
Naturally, having an indefinite lifespan, I procrastinated for around 179253 Phaician years (over 190,000 Earth years). But that was okay because it didn't matter when I went so long as I did it some time before Earth was destroyed by whatever. Obviously a bunch of EVENTS took place during that time but if you care that's too bad because I have to go work on a thing now.

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